Workplaces facing a clash of generations as Gen-Z workers demand a bit more than just a salary
In the evolving landscape of work culture, a clash is emerging between traditionalbusiness models supporting in-office work and the preferences of Generation Zemployees who prioritize flexibility, environmental consciousness, and inclusivity.
It’s a pivotal moment in workplace dynamics, where the values of a new generation— broadly defined as the first to have grown up with permanent access to theInternet on various digital devices — collides with established norms and office workethics seen before the Covid pandemic changed things.
As large corporates and big business push for employees to show up and be presentduring business hours, Gen Z workers are pushing back with demands for flexiblehours, arguing that commuting to work doesn’t fit with their environmentalconsciousness and that working remotely is equally effective.
This conflict is becoming increasingly apparent as Gen Z becomes the dominantdemographic in the future workforce, and project-based independent contractingand remote collaboration are gaining popularity as preferred modes of work.The most recent Deloitte Global Gen Z vs Millenial Survey found that the majority ofGen Zs (75%) prefer hybrid work or to work remotely, but fewer than half have theoption to do so.Graphic designer Lexi Geddes, 27, of Weltevreden Park held down a permanentoffice job for seven years only to give it up this year in favour of freelancing.
“It’s less money and no extra benefits but I am so much happier. I felt like I wassuffocating in that job, but for years I felt I couldn’t leave as everyone was telling me‘understand that we all work long hours and put in overtime’ and ‘you can’t do yourown thing, you need a solid job and a stable income’,” Geddes said.
“But it was the environment that eventually got to me. Going into an office everyday where people were miserable took a toll on my mental health.”
“It’s less money and no extra benefits but I am so much happier. I feltlike I was suffocating in that job.”Graphic designer Lexi Geddes, 27
Now, as a freelancer, Geddes works remotely and is building her client portfoliowith the end goal to go travelling and work from wherever she lands.“As Gen Z we get a bad rap. Everyone tells us we’re bad and lazy and we’reconstantly reminded ‘when I was your age, things were so different’ when we arereally happy to deliver.”
Gary Silbermann, co-founder and director at disruptive digital hiring platform OneDegree, believes there is a need for radical flexibility in the job market.“Tech big hitters such as Dell and Tata Consultancy Services have warned workersto return to the office or face consequences. Remote working advocate Zoom hasdemanded that all those who live within 80km of the office need to work in-persontwice a week,” Silberman said, explaining that the companies gave their reasons asthings such as lower productivity and a struggling or absent company culture.But, he said, while these concerns were valid, an on-site office work culture wasbecoming more difficult to enforce as the workforce becomes younger.
Recruitment administrator Courtney Sandilands, 22, of Pretoria — herself a Gen Z —told the Sunday Times that while working from home was appealing, there werebenefits to being in an office.“I think a hybrid work arrangement is a good one. There are lots of things I agreewith in the argument for working from home but the fact is that we are not nearlyas strong and dedicated as older professionals. We’re a soft generation that alsoneeds to be in the office to learn and ask questions and actually be part of thebusiness.”Sandilands admits that Gen Z workers are more likely to want flexible workconditions.
“I think a hybrid work arrangement is a good one. There are lots ofthings I agree with in the argument for working from home.”Recruitment administrator Courtney Sandilands, 22
“I have a friend who must be in the office all day every day, and it kills her. Shedoesn’t like having to interact with people all the time,” Sandilands said.But Silbermann maintains that an open-minded approach to an entirely differentway of engaging crucial skills, as opposed to hiring full-time staff, could be theanswer to improving productivity — a paradigm shift to suit Gen Z by aligning to theworldview of younger, digitally inclined workers.
“In just six short years, Gen Z will make up 40% of the workforce. Unlike some oftheir Gen X counterparts, they’ve grown up in a digitally-enabled world whereremote work feels effortless and second nature.”Arguing against structured work hours, Silbermann said: “Gen Z can’t see how thismodel results in financial stability or wealth creation. They can’t afford bonds; theystruggle to pay rent. They see their working parents constantly stressed andexhausted — and 50% of their parents are divorced. It’s a model which doesn’tinspire them.”
Isobel McAleenan, MD of Recruitment and Training Dynamix, who has explored theGen Z issue in depth, believes companies haven’t kept abreast of the changing needsof the younger workforce, with company culture becoming a thorny issue.
“If you take a big company that takes a stand with their corporate socialresponsibility — who do they appeal to? Is it the Baby Boomers or the Millenials? ForGen Z a cause is important and they would prefer to see you using corporatespending to upskill and boost young entrepreneurs rather than clearing lilies out ofthe Vaal — not that cleaning the Vaal is not important to them.”
McAleenan said she had also encountered companies using job titles as a way toexploit young workers.“I can’t name the company but I had a digital marketing agency interview with ayoung black female who was an account executive, and then appointed her as anaccount manager, which is a more senior role with more responsibilities, but makesthe company look good. She was upset and asked me, ‘Isobel, am I being set up forfailure?’”
McAleenan said.“Your Gen Zs are not idiots, and they’re aware of the hustles and talk to eachother.”Karien Strydom, founder and CEO of People Cube, believes it is business that hasthe upper hand and that it will be Gen Z that needs to adapt. Her HR consulting andrecruitment company deals with local and multinational companies across a rangeof industry sectors including medical, engineering, IT, financial and otherprofessional services.
“The so-called gig economy, or independent contracting, in my opinion is putting aband-aid on a broken leg if a blanket approach is taken. Yes, Gen Zs are pushing fordigital workplaces instead of on-site working environments and, yes, they are themost digitally advanced generation, but they are also the generation with thebiggest need for emotional connectivity and purpose in their careers,” she said.“It’s crucial that employees, regardless of age, feel connected to the overallcompany culture and purpose. Making use of contractors indicates that the focus ispurely on technical skills and would therefore only solve half the problem.”
Silbermann argues that Gen Z is motivated by short work stints and project-basedwork and therefore is against restrictive employment terms.“Gen Z will change jobs up to 10 times between the ages of 18 and 34 and won’t betold where they can and can’t work. Not many businesses would want to invest inexpensive onboarding for someone who will be gone in a year to 18 months,” hesaid.But Strydom believes the answer lies in balance.
“As with everything in life, compromise will be key to success for both Gen Zemployees and the organisations that employ them. Many of my most successfulmultinational clients allow for a hybrid working approach, allowing individuals towork a few days a week from home.“It is also important to note that though 40% of the workforce will soon be Gen Z,they will still be working with both Baby Boomers and Gen X who easily feeldisconnected if their only interaction is via online platforms.”
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